Jean-Claude Marignale
Born to make you dance! Pochodzi z francuskiej wyspy Gwadelupa, mieszka w Paryżu, choreograf, tancerz i pedagog. Autor choreografii do francuskiej wersji Musicalu HAIR oraz spektaklu “Zobacz Jazz” dla Kieleckiego Teatru Tańca. Założyciel i dyrektor szkoły TOUT EN DANSE oraz twórca autorskiego projektu JCM Dance Project. Jest najbardziej znany z prowadzenia zajęć z Modern Fusion, Lyrical Jazz i Jazz Rock, ale uczy także takich technik jak Salsa, Hip-hop, Afro Ka Jazz, Urban Fusion i Afrobeat Fusion. Jest członkiem słynnej oryginalnej ekipy Jazz rockowej "Collectif Jeu de Jambes". Fot. JPP Photos
Born to make you dance! He comes from the French island Guadeloupe, lives in Paris, is a choreographer, dancer and teacher. Author of choreography, among others: for the French version of the Musical HAIR and the show "See Jazz" for the Kielce Dance Theater. Founder and director of the TOUT EN DANSE school and creator of the original JCM Dance Project. He is most well-known for his classes in Modern Fusion, Lyrical Jazz and Jazz Rock, but he also teaches techniques such as Salsa, Hip-hop, Afro Ka Jazz, Urban Fusion and Afrobeat Fusion. He is a member of the famous original French Jazz rock crew "Collectif Jeu de Jambes". Photo JPP Photos
Video (Modern Fusion):